Though most of you reading this are close friends and family, for those who don't know me very well..Hi! My name is Kerrie and I will be spending my spring semester abroad in Florence, Italy.
Just to give an intro into the life of me, I am a junior at Saint Michael's College, studying business and fine art. The thought of studying abroad first entered my mind several years ago after watching one of my favorite movies, Under the Tuscan Sun. I wanted to be Diane Lane, and was inspired by her journey redefining herself in an entirely different and strikingly beautiful place, Tuscany. It was then, after watching this movie, that I picked my abroad destination: Italy. Since Florence is one of the leading art capitals of the world, it is the perfect place for me to study my passion- fine art. I chose to study through API primarily because of the array of offered courses. I wanted to take classes that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to take at Saint Mike's. With this being said, aside from taking Italian, I will be studying printmaking, watercolor painting, the world of museums (art history), and international art business.
Although I’ve been to Italy before, a week can hardly account for the experience of being completely immersed into a foreign culture. I'm looking forward to the 3 and a half months living in a city (a place I've never really pictured myself), getting accustomed to the food, the people, the language, and lifestyle. My biggest fear of studying abroad is being away from my family. I've always been extremely dependent on them. My study abroad experience will give me the chance to rely on myself and help me to become much more independent. I recognize this as a huge opportunity to learn in so many ways, and quite frankly, a chance of a lifetime! I can't wait for my journey to begin, and through this blog, hope to share a bit of it with you.
Hace mucho tiempo que te escribo!
15 years ago