Now that I’m back from the majority of my travels, I have relaxed and felt a change in both my mood and outlook on being in Florence. I admit, the weather might have something to do with it! I’ve certainly had my share of ups and downs but it's all be apart of the ride. I have exactly a month left of my abroad experience with school projects still to think about, day trips left to take, memories left to make and still more experiences to encounter before I make my way home. Recently I experienced an incident that happened at home that really affected me, more than I would have expected. It partially had to do with the fact that I’m in a different country and can’t fix the problem as quickly as I would like. After thinking about it constantly for a few days, I made the conscious effort to put it out of mind. All of a sudden Florence was too beautiful to miss by moping about and being upset. I realized that even when I get homesick and think about how there is no place like home, not everything is perfect. My life here is not better than my life at home and my life at home is not better than my life here. Each has its share of difficulties and struggles, it’s just a matter of which one I’m living right now and what I'm going to make of it. I will have plenty of time living my life at home when I return and I’m just starting to realize that I don’t want it right yet. I’m not finished with my experience here and I’m ready to give my last month all I’ve got.