Friday, January 15, 2010

As the days creep by, I can feel myself becoming more and more anxious. I know what Christine meant when she said that it didn’t really hit her until all of her SMC friends were back at school. I’ve spent the past few days on my phone calling and/or texting ALL of my friends at SMC asking how they are and how their couple days of classes have gone. It’s pretty ridiculous. I’ve desperately been trying to find any way possible to get myself back up to Vermont so I can be united with my SMC loves once more before I depart. Apart of me feels like I should be back there- like I’m missing out, but I know that I’ll be facing an incredible experience soon enough.

I’ve been trying not to put too much thought into Italy- as not to psych myself out before I get there. This however, has prevented me from becoming excited about the trip. A few days ago I found out whom I will be living with in Florence. For the first time I couldn’t contain my excitement. I had to tell everyone about my new roommates. I’m living with two girls- one from southern California and the other from Minnesota. We’re all from completely different regions! The coolest. I have the single and the two girls have the double. I was pleasantly surprised to find out I had a single (which my mom secretly requested)- It’ll be great to have a small group of girls living together and also being able to enjoy my private space.

Now that I’m approaching my 7 day countdown I’m beginning to feel a bit nervous. I’m expecting this week to consist of many high and low points as the reality sets in. Most of the time it kind of just feels like I’m taking a trip for a short few weeks- sometimes I can’t figure out what the big deal is. Like when I made my mom cry in the post office the other day when I joked about getting abducted- not a sensitive move on my part.

My plans for the rest of this upcoming week include working a few more shifts to earn a little more money before I leave, picking up some last minute necessities for my trip and of course eventually, figuring out how I will pack all of my belongings in the limited suitcases that I have (the anxiety part). As of right now I’m thinking it won’t be that difficult but I may be taking those words back by next weekend.

Next time I post, I will be in Firenze! Wish me safe travels!

1 comment:

  1. I know in the next few weeks you will be so busy and bogged down with last minute preparations for your trip, so I would just like to say that I hope you have a wonderful journey and overall life experience. I'm sure you will be safe and have a great time with your new room mates and will not get abducted. I know you've prepared a solution to every scenario that could arise, and that you will have no problem facing your new adventures. I'LL MISS YOU! BON VOYAGE!
