Thursday, January 28, 2010

So much for starting off on a better foot..

I felt much better this morning. So much that I thought I could eat a yogurt. Big mistake. Especially before going on a two hour walking tour in the cold. I started feeling nauseous and lightheaded but I tried my best to stick it out. After the tour, I walked back in the city by myself with my map because I didn't want my roommates to have to walk back with me. There were lots of people on the street, walking, biking, driving, mopeding, shopping- but I felt alone. It was cold, cloudy and kind of disgusting. I hopped into my bed when I got back to my apartment and fell asleep for 5 hours. I woke up, just in time to skype with my mom! Highlight of my day. Since I've been feeling so sick and napping so often, I haven't been able to participate much. My roommates have been off exploring while I'm at home sleeping, and I can imagine almost everyone else is doing the same. When I do go out, like on the tour this morning, I'm not very sociable because socializing is the last thing I want to be doing when I'm not feeling well. I haven't read my Italian book, nor the survival booklet they gave us because I've either been out or napping. I don't know my way around. I'm surrounded by foreigners but at the same time I feel like a foreigner. I don't trust them. I can't speak their language. I know I have to take this day by day. If tomorrow is sunny, and my stomach feels fine, I know I will be saying how much Florence rocks. My goal for tonight will be to learn some new italian words and phrases that I can practice using tomorrow. Aside from scrounging up something to eat, I will study this survival book. Tomorrow I will go to my academic orientation, work on practicing my words/phrases, taking a trip to IKEA for necessities, and meet some new people. Great plan.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. I do think that if things start to get a little better, your whole mind set will be much better as well. That's quite scary to feel such loneliness in a alien environment. GET BETTER so I can see some more pleasant, happy posts!!!
