Back to how my weekend was…
Sio and I had quite an eventful day on Saturday, going to see the David, going to my favorite Florentine bakery, climbing to the top of the duomo, hiking to the Piazzale Michaelangelo, sitting and devouring the most delicious mix of pinapple and coconut gelato, attending mass in the duomo, eating a delcious dinner that I made and experiencing a little bit of the nightlife.

Sunday I woke up early early and boarded the train to Cortona with 7 other girlfriends. I really wanted to go to Cortona because for all of you who are obsessed with Under the Tuscan Sun, like I am, this is the town that it takes place in. This was one of the greatest decisions of my life. So far, Cortona is my favorite place- it’s located on the side of a hill, with a central road that winds up and down one side.

It is such a homey type of village, and well kept. When we got off the train we purchased bus tickets, but realized afterwards that the bus wasn’t coming for 2 hours. My friend Kelly and I decided to take the lead and start the hike up to Cortona. The weather was warm and sunny- finally I could smell fresh green grass and hear birds chirping all around- this, I cannot find in the city. I can’t even describe how good it felt to be back around nature. It's the closest thing to vermont I've had in awhile. It was a long walk but completely worth it and we were all very glad we hiked rather than taking the bus.
Eventually we arrived to Cortona and found a place to stop for lunch. I had a cheese quiche, and chicken marsala. Both meals were different than what you would expect in the U.S. but my meal as a whole was one of the most delicious meals I’ve had here so far- and it was reasonably priced. * We stayed the entire day, exploring and hiking the rest of the steep, narrow roads to the fortress at the top of the hill.

I took a seat and had a moment to sit, breath and relax, taking in as much of the view as I could. It was truly breathtaking.
You're kicking ass out there Ker. Hey, that rhymed! I'm impressed with your self-assessment and ability to identify what it is that is bothering you and how you go about honing your independence. Keep cooking and eating! Enjoy el Papa.