Today was the longest day of my week. Glad to know it's done. I had printmaking studio art at nine, but due to my alarm clock not going off, I ended up being an hour and a half late. My overwhelming guilt for being late eventually subsided after I caught up, and my teacher complimented my work saying "molto bene" (which could only mean, freakin amazing), and showed my carved board to another student as an example of what it should look like. SCORE! Yah that's right, she loved it. But I have to admit, everyone here is amazing at art. It's a little bit of a reality check for me. During our lunch break I spent 45 minutes in line to sign up to take yoga on tuesday nights. Yeah, I was 15 minutes late to class AGAIN but I didn't want to miss out on any club opportunity. After printmaking, I had watercolor from 3 to 8:30. During our dinner break I made a new friend who is a senior in high school. We found out we have a lot in common, and she seems very mature for her age (she must be because I never would have imagined living in another country as a senior in high school!! She also goes to a boarding school at home and has traveled around a lot). After class, I came home and made the most delicious chicken that I've ever made (this, I'm becoming a pro at) with a balsamic vinegrette salad and potatoes. It was so good after such a long day. I'm looking forward to my classes this week because they are all very fascinating. At the end of the week I will be going to Venice for carnival with my study abroad program!! I will be sure to post when I return and tell all about it.
Hace mucho tiempo que te escribo!
15 years ago
Hey lady love! I just finished reading your blogs from the bottom up and you've had quite the roller coaster of emotions and experiences thus far. I'm glad you've been increasingly successful in the poultry department, and I hope your cooking skills continue to improve! I'm looking forward to pictures from Venice and carnival, certainly try and hit up some gelato.
ReplyDeleteI'll talk to you Sunday? Stay safe! Much love to you.